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Aliens on Vacation by Clete Barrett Smith

Scrub arrives at his grandmother's Washington bed-and-breakfast only to discover she has opened the doors to aliens that arrive through off-Earth portals, and he must decide what to do when the local sheriff, already suspicious of Granny, notices some of the kids Scrub is chaperoning at a camp-out glow in the dark.

Benjamin Franklinstein Lives! by Matthew McElligott and Larry Tuxbury

While working on a science fair project, a Philadelphia school boy discovers both a secret laboratory in his basement and Benjamin Franklin, who comes to life after receiving a jolt of electricity.

The Cheshire Cheese Cat: A Dickens of a Tale by Carmen Agra Deedy

A community of mice and a cheese-loving cat form an unlikely alliance at London's Cheshire Cheese, an inn where Charles Dickens finds inspiration and Queen Victoria makes an unexpected appearance.

Clever Jack Takes the Cake by Candace Fleming

A poor boy named Jack struggles to deliver a birthday present worthy of the princess.

EllRay Jakes is Not a Chicken! by Sally Warner

Eight-year-old EllRay Jakes's attempts to defend himself against the class bully always end up getting him in trouble, but he promises to do his best when his dad offers to take him to Disneyland if he can be good for an entire week--which may be a few days too long.

Escape Under the Forever Sky by Eve Yohalem

Lucy's mother, the U.S. Ambassador to Ethiopia, keeps Lucy confined to the embassy, but Lucy's desire to see what is beyond the compound walls gets her kidnapped and she must rely upon her knowledge and courage in order to escape.

Hamster Magic by Lynne Jonell

When the Willows move into a new house, Celia, the youngest of four children, traps an enchanted hamster, who reluctantly agrees to grant the children one wish in exchange for his freedom.